Safety Cameras
Create peace-of-mind in your home, with our safety cameras
We know that the burden of responsibility shouldn’t be on individuals to ensure their own safety, but unfortunately, that’s still the world we live in. That’s why here at Safeguard Women, we offer tools for women & other at-risk groups to feel safe while out and about in the community, and donate the proceeds from all sales to fund local and national projects that promote whole-systems change & empower women.
For many women, the decision not to report sexual assault & violence is driven by a lack of evidence. Without eyewitnesses or video footage, it can be difficult to prove that a rape or sexual assault occurred.
This often leaves victims feeling like their word is not enough. As a result, many women are pressured to remain silent rather than risk going through the criminal justice system with no guarantee that justice will be served.
While some may view this as an invasion of privacy, there are several safety benefits to home cameras. First and foremost, they can provide valuable evidence in the event of a crime. This can be especially helpful in cases of sexual assault, where victims often have difficulty providing law enforcement with enough evidence to secure a conviction. Additionally, home security cameras can act as a deterrent to would-be crimes such as domestic violence or sexual assault, as they know that their actions are being recorded. Lastly, home security cameras can provide peace of mind for women who live alone or in unsafe neighbourhoods. In a world where crimes against women are all too common, home security cameras can be a powerful tool for keeping women safe.